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How do I become an Esther Tea Wholesaler?If you are interested in selling Esther Tea in your store please contact us via our "Contact Us" page. Be sure to choose "Wholesale" as your reason for contacting us. Once we receive your information we will follow up with you! We know you will love Esther Tea just as much as we do!
Does the type of water change the taste?Tap water usually has a pH of 5.5. Rainwater has an average pH of 5.65. Repeated or prolonged boiling can change the pH of the water by driving out the carbon molecules which in turn reduces the acidity of the water, causing a change in the taste. The change from slightly acidic to slightly base is often perceived as a flat taste. Soft water will give the tea a slightly salty flavor. Pure, neutral water has a pH of 7, which is the exact center of the pH scale. Tap water usually has a pH of 5.5. Rainwater has an average pH of 5.65. Spring water and filtered water contain minerals and gases from the ground and atmosphere. Acids have a pH below 7 and have a slightly sour taste (the word acid comes from the Latin acere, meaning ‘to taste sour.’) Bases have a pH above 7 and a slightly bitter taste. Many consider spring water pure because it is assumed to be free of pollutants, toxins and microbes, but it is actually rich in dissolved minerals from the ground and atmosphere. The answer: Since spring water and filtered water contain minerals and gases from the ground and atmosphere, these waters are slightly acidic and often considered the BEST waters to use for making the purest cup of tea.
Is there caffeine in tea?One of the most common questions asked of any tea professional is “How much caffeine is in this cup of tea?” It’s a simple question, but one that is very hard to answer The answer: We don’t know unless it is analyzed by a lab. But. Here are factors affecting caffeine. Here are the Factors that Increase Caffeine in the Leaf and the Cup: Camellia sinensis assamica produces more caffeine Seed grown plants Younger leaves Older plants Leaves grown during seasons with more insects Leaves grown with more shading or less sunshine and more rain Higher levels of nitrogen in the soil or fertilizers Larger surface area to mass ratio (smaller leaf size) More leaves used in the infusion Hotter water for infusing Longer infusion times. Factors that Decrease Caffeine in the Leaf and the Cup: Camellia sinensis sinensis Leaves grow with more sun and less rain Low nitrogen levels in the soil Older leaves and more stem Younger plants Clonal propagation Post production fermentation (dark teas) Post production firing (such as hojicha) Smaller surface area to mass ratio (larger leaf size) Fewer leaves used in the infusion Cooler water for infusing Shorter infusion times At Esther Tea Company we offer a range of teas from high caffeine to caffeine free herbal teas.
How should I sweeten my tea?Our flavored teas have natural herbs and botanicals that sweeten the tea naturally. I encourage you to try it without sweetener first to taste all the elements of joy in a fresh brewed cup of Esther tea. If you desire a little more sweetness… Here are a few of my favorite sweetening tips: 5 drops per 8 oz Liquid Stevia (Nunatural clear)Amazon Sugar Cubes (Amazon) Pure Cane Sugar (like we bake with) Amazon Beet sugar (Belgian Rock Sugar) Amazon Brown Sugar Cubes (Indian Tree) Amazon Honey (honey straws) Savannah Bee Company
How long should I steep the tea?Each person has a unique strength of tea they enjoy. Some like it strong, some like it mild. The amount of time you steep your tea will greatly influence the taste. Steep the tea for too long, and you'll end up with an unpleasantly strong, bitter cup. Steep the tea for too short a time, and you'll have a weak, flavorless cup of tea. Different teas require different steep times in order to bring out their best flavor For optimal steeping instructions including temperature and time please refer to the back of your bag of tea or you can find the same information under each tea on our website. Steeping temperature and times may vary! It’s like an experiment! You get to decide! Enjoy your warm cup of joy!
What is first flush Darjeeling?First flush Darjeeling…simply known as the champagne of teas. First Flush is defined as the very first picking of a tea plant’s harvest season. The new leaves plucked during First Flush are the youngest and most tender part of the tea plant and are said to yield the purest and freshest cup of tea. Each additional Flush produces a different flavor and aroma as the growing season for that tea plant progresses. In the first flush of Darjeeling tea, the color of the tea is light with clear and bright liquor. The leaves have a floral scent, with a lively character. This early spring selection consisting of the most tender leaves, has a gentle aroma, very light color, and mild astringency. These early leaves are usually more delicate and tender and therefore more fresh and astringent in flavor. But why is the First Flush teas expensive? First flush teas are produced in less quantity, and hence the demand outstrips the supply. When you buy a First Flush tea, you’re purchasing some of the freshest and most exquisite tea available!
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